
Aled Thomas, PhD

Hello, and welcome to the Mall! This is a website where I do a lot of thinking out loud – which will hopefully result in some enjoyable blog posts.

I am a sociologist of religion, specialising in the study of new and contemporary forms of religion. I am also a co-founder of alt-ac.uk, and a lecturer in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics at the University of Wolverhampton. I gained my doctorate from the Open University, and am the author of Free Zone Scientology: Contesting the Boundaries of a New Religion (Bloomsbury Academic Press).

I am fascinated by the role religion plays in contemporary society, and am passionate about the academic and non-confessional study of religions. Beyond my academic interests, I love cats, music, literature, The Legend of Zelda, and drinking coffee by the gallon.

Twitter: @AledJLlThomas
Academia: AledThomas
Email: aled.thomas@open.ac.uk

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